Saturday we went to Maryland Day at the University of Maryland- they had lots of fun things to do lots of animals to see, sno cones, and I learned how to make a clucking chicken sound with a plastic cup and a string. I am recently enthralled with bubbles. Mommy got me a bubble set and every day I beg to go "side" for "bubble". If this does not happen quickly enough I will pretend to blow bubbles for emphasis.
On Sunday we went to Baby Caitlin's baptism- I behaved myself at the church and was particularly fascinated by the stained glass windows. I have also started to learn how to drive- I figure by the time I can see over the steering wheel I will have it down.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Busy weekend for a busy boy
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Statistical Update
16 month doctor's visit
Height- 32 inches (pushing 3 feet!) (50-75th percentile)
Weight- 26.8 pounds (75th percentile)
Head Size- 49.5 cm (90-95th percentile- wowser)
Everything else seems right on track. Super.
Monday, April 23, 2007
What Do You Mean "80 degrees"?
So every morning before I go to school, my moms make sure I put my coat on. Imagine my surprise this morning when they said I didn't need a coat. Apparently I'm parenting myself here folks! So if they weren't going to let me put on my coat, I decided that I'd put on my hat instead- and I did. I'm not sure I put it on "correctly," but hey, whatever, works! [JUMP TO FULL POST]
Happy birthday Uncle Dennis
Uncle Dennis will have a birthday this week. Yay! In honor of the big event, we had dinner this weekend. To celebrate, we sang "itsy bitsy spider" and rode the carousel. [JUMP TO FULL POST]
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
This weekend Mommy installed a "garden" shed in the yard (with a little help from Uncle Dennis) - mainly for my stuff. Apparently three strollers, a wagon, a tricycle, two ride on toys, a big toy truck, a bubble kit, and kids gardening set take up alot of room. I'm going to be nice, though, and let Mommy and Mama keep some stuff in there too. [JUMP TO FULL POST]
Happy Days Are Here Again!
It's finally spring. Mama and I celebrated by going to Brookside Gardens with Cindy and Caitlin. [JUMP TO FULL POST]
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Blah, blah, blah
I am talking up a storm these days- here is a list of the words I use pretty regularly- pretty good for a 15 month old I think:
Bye bye
No (usually accompanied by the vigorous shaking of my head and a look of obvious distaste on my face)
Dee Dee (Cady, my doggie's name, or any doggie I hear)
Llleo (Galileo, my cat's name)
Lllluu (Lewis, Uncle Mike and Uncle Dennis's doggie's name)
woof woof
'side (outside)
si (slide)
nana (banana)
no (nose)
sah (sock)
foo (food)
mu (milk)
seeit (see it- look - now)
ah duh (all done)
uh oh
dah dah (thank you)
bobby (baby- any picture of any baby including me)
Bob (my Bob the builder toy that sings and hammers)
boo (ball)
toot toot (any car or truck- you have to pump your arm in the air when saying this)
choo choo ( a train- easily interchanged with toot toot)
nigh nigh (night night)
sna (snack)
doo doo (book- don't ask my mommies why- they don't know)
I also sign "please", "food", "more" and "all done" but mostly like to shout the last two :)
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Video Wednesday...
Happy (belated) Easter! This is a quick video from my first Easter Egg "hunt" (they weren't particularly hidden, as you can see), but I caught on pretty quickly.